
Ondřej Landa was born in Czech Republic in 1985. He studied non-verbal acting and circus arts at Janacek´s Academy of Performing Arts with well known Czech mim Ctibor Turba (now Prague and Tokyo professor of arts) and with French/ American artists like Daniel Gulko and Pierre Nadaud. Simultaneously he studied Social Anthropology and Environmental studies at Masaryk´s University where he also became a certificated music therapist. During this studies he was engaged in ethnographic work for Migration Center at Charles University in Prague on research of the religions of Vietnamese immigrants.

In 2008 and 2009 Ondřej Landa went to Japan to take part in workshop of a well known Japanese dancer Min Tanaka. This workshop which consisted partly of organic farm work but mainly of an intense study of the body and the self has strongly influenced him and helped him to change his attitude towards the knowledge about environment, culture and human being itself. Soon after the workshop he decided to leave all academic institutions and started traveling around the world in order to study various human arts, religions and environments directly.

He lived with indigenous Maoris in New Zealand and became a friend of the well known Maori tribe Tuhoe. He studied Buddhism in Indochina and lived in Zen monasteries in Vietnam and Japan. He was accepted by a Muslim community in Malaysia where he studied islamic religious practice. Exploring the roots of Hinduism he traveled across India and in order to understand the Christian spirituality he spent some time in Orthodox monasteries in Romania and Greece. Eventually he decided to learn more about the origins of Czech culture and Catholicism and started living with an old indigenous Czech community in southern Romania. And there he also finished his travel-studies and created a basement for himself and his family in the shape of a small farm and hermitage in an isolated place in Almaj Mountains.

During his travels he met many spiritual authorities from who he received his various names.

During his travels Ondřej Landa was gathering knowledge and experiences about many different ways of self-sufficiency and farming lifestyle and gradually directed his own life in the same way. In 2012 he married Japanese dancer Fukiko Kano who in 2013 gave a birth to their daughter Anna in home conditions without a medical assistance. It happened in a little village in Japanese Alp in Nagano prefecture in Japan where they were engaged in farming and art lifestyle for about a year. After that they all moved back to the Czech village Sumita in southern Romania and carried on developing their arts and self-sufficient skills. And there they also reached a material independence on a modern global economical system by the spring of 2016.

Ondřej Landa is an active musician, performer, lecturer, film maker and writer. He co-established two international music groups consisting of musicians from Japan, Czech-Slovakia and Tibet (more on, he created numerous theatre performances and made two films concerning the topic of self- suciency and “returning to nature”. He is also an author of two books. One is about his travel through Japan and the workshop of Min Tanaka and second speaks about a more than two months long walking trip with horse through Carpathian mountains which he undertook together with his wife and one year old daughter in 2014.

At the moment Ondřej Landa is divorced and lives partly in Romania, Czech Republic and on travel concentrating on arts, lectures, spiritual practice and growing his connection with nature, people and himself.


f: Standa Mitáč